Sunday, August 7, 2011

When Sasha Dreams A Living Fantasy

When Sasha Dreams A          
      Living Fantasy
Authored by R.H.Hairston

   "Help me!" "Help me!" "Please help me!" "Please turn around!" "Why won't you help me?" Little Sasha screamed as she tried desperately to get the attention of the far away stranger on the hilltop. She knew she had to be making enough noise for everyone to hear her, especially her aunt in the next room. Maybe if she broke the window that would get his attention.
   What was he doing standing out there anyway? Where was he? Where was she for that matter? Why was it so dark in her room, and a cloudless sky outside her window? Where was she? I know that I am in the inner  city, and in the apartment of my Aunt Sonya and Uncle Donner, but where are the other buildings? "This is still a dream...isn't it," little Sasha said aloud to herself?
   "He doesn't hear you," the voice behind her hissed.
"Oh no!" she cringed, she had temporarily forgotten about the man in her room! Sasha did not dare turn was always the same. "He can't hear you, look how far away he is," the voice continued as he eased his arm across her small breast and pressed the front of his body so hard against her back she could feel his trobbing manhood. "Leave me alone," little Sasha screamed! She squirmed attempting to break free, but he only held her tighter. "Keep moving, he rasped, I like it when you do."
   "I hate you!" "I hate you, stay away from me," Sasha screamed!" "Leave me alone!" Her voice was so hoarse now it hurt...the man snickering at her slim efforts. "Why would he come help you," he smirked? "Who is he anyway?" "And who is he to you?" "He doesn't even know you exist!" could he see the stranger? For the first time Sasha realized maybe this was not a dream, maybe it was a vision. She recalled her mother having visions, and sometimes she would tell Sasha about them. Her mother would explain how the visions made you feel like you were actually there. It is like walking into a television screen, a virtual reality type of feeling, she had said. Evidently Sasha, you will inherit the gift too. At first, when mother had told me that I would probably start having visions I was excited. However, since I have started having the dreams, and the visions, or whatever they were, they were all bad, and I did not want the gift anymore!
   Now, Sasha was trying desperately to break the window. Maybe if the stranger could not hear her screams, surely the noise of breaking glass would get his attention, anybody's attention...anything to stop the man's advances. She took both her small fists and started slamming them hard against the windowpane and screaming as loud as she could.
   Even though she never saw the face of her attacker, she knew all too well the familiar voice, the smell of alcohol and cigarettes on his breath and the nasty things he would say to her. The man would even say terrible things when he was not drunk, and the way he would look at her when he thought noone else was paying attention.
   "Please help me!" "Please turn around," she continued to scream! She knew that if she screamed loud and long it would usually wake her up or snap herself out of it. Never-the-less, she was also afraid to wake up for fear of finding the man, leaning over her or standing in the far corner of her room starring and smiling at her or worse laying next to her. Sasha slowly opened her eyes, hoping she would not be looking into the face of her attacker...her uncle Donner.
   "Have a bad dream again little one?" A deep gurgling voice said from a dark corner of her room. There he sat, next to the desk where she did her homework. She had smelled smoke and could faintly see a glass in his hand that glistened from the streetlights outside...she tried not to move.
   Suddenly the bedroom door burst open, it was her Aunt Sonya yelling at the top of her lungs. "What the hell are you doing in here, Donner?" "What is wrong with you?" "Why are you so obsessed with this child?" "She is not her mother and I am not my sister!" "Get over it!" "Her parents are both dead," Aunt Sonya screamed at him! "That's your brother's daughter fool!" "Get out of this girl's room before I call the police, you child molester," Aunt Sonya bellowed! "Donner do you hear me!" "I don't know what you're thinking, but you have been hanging around in this girl's room every since she's been living here, and I suggest you stop it now," Aunt Sonya screamed! "You can suggest all you want," Donner growled. "I'll do as I please, and I suggest you get out of my face," he snapped never taking his eyes off me. He started weaving as he stood up brushing past my aunt and stumbling out of the room.
   "Get ready for school Sasha!" Aunt Sonya said as she slammed the door and continued to scream as her husband. She never even noticed my tear stained face.
   Sasha's young life changed after the sudden death of her parents. She realized the gift given her by her mother and guidence of her father allows her insights to her future and those around her. But...Sasha didn't want the dreams anymore, however, what would she do without them, she thought as she ran through the dark city streets. Her uncles advances had become more intense and all her screaming efforts to get the attention of the stranger on the hilltop had gone unnoticed. What was the point of this stranger being in her dreams if he wasn't going to help her!
   Finally, she approached the bus stop panting, she wiped away the tears attempting to stay focused on getting to her Aunt Mary's house. Again, she tried to pray, the words alluding her as she arrived at the end of her Aunt's street, a sparsely lit boulevard with an even darker patch of park five houses from her Aunt's home! She took a deep breath an attempted to blend into the shadows of trees. Her mind wondered to the stranger and his striking warrior like stance.
   Suddenly, she felt comforted and confident, she increased her pace. Sasha past the park effortlessly, feeling warm and unafraid. Thoughts about the stranger had given her hope! As she climbed the porch steps, she said a thank you prayer and knocked on the door. "Who is it?" was the response. "It's me Aunt Mary, it's Sasha!" another place and time....
   "Your son seems to be bored in battle these day," said Chango to the King General Taisho. "I don't know why the rest of us even have to go to battle if he is going to slay everyone in his path, the battle is over before it begins," the king's brother continued. The King sighed, "he is looking for a challenge that is not there." "The only thing that he is interested in seems to come from those hilltops. We find him there before we go to battle, and he goes there whenever we return from battle. That is where he seeks his answers," the King remarked.
   Sesshomaru found himself annoyed from the inferior battles he attended and the constant questioning of his attitude regarding his techniques. I believe that the whole idea of battles were to win them and move on, he thought to himself. However, what annoyed him most of all was the female scream that had alluded him these many years. He was an assailant, a creature of unbelievable power and insight. Who and where, was this female that dared mock him continually. No matter, he thought with a sinister smile, he would locate the annoyance, and he would do what he always did when something infused his passive aggressive rages...destroy it.
   Present Day.....
   Sasha remained quiet while everyone else in the house ranted, raved, shouted, and prayed. Evidently, the President's "News Bulletin" concerning the "Ancient Visitors" making their presence known had been a shock to a great deal of people...but not to her. After all, she had been waiting for some type of sign...but had no idea it would be on such a global scale. Is this the vision her mother had predicted so many years ago? Will the stranger in her dreams be among the now looming "Ancient Visitors?" Will he come for her? So many questions with answers leering around every corner. Never-the-less, Sasha knew her life was about to officially change forever, as she stood silently thinking to herself.
   "He's close now...I can feel him near!"
Excerpt Copywright Material
Publication Date: March 17, 2011
Page Count: 234
Binding Type: US Trade Paper
Trim Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Language: English
Color: Black and White
Related Categories: Fantasy, Fiction, Romance and Literature
cost: $18.50

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